[GRASS5] Re: proj bugs

H Bowman hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 3 20:54:08 EDT 2003

> > d.where:
> >
> > * if you choose to display WGS84 as well, the column headings
> >      need to be identified.
> Yes that would be a pretty specific situation where your location already
> was in lat/long and you wanted to view WGS84 lat/long values alongside
> local ellipsoid values. With this new feature I was thinking more of
> people with a projected location wanting to compare co-ordinates with
> values from a GPS receiver.
> But good point; I have now updated the CVS version to print 'WGS
> Co-ordinates' above the second column.

Ok, got the heading, but now it breaks when you try to use -w with +nadgrids
[see below #1], and works, but doesn't seem to actually do anything when 
you use the 7 +towgs84 transform [see below #2]. Should be 150m(~17") diff't.
(with both old and new do_proj.c)

thanks, it is getting closer..


GRASS:~ > d.where

FLAG: Set the following flag?
    one mouse click only?(y/n) [n] 

FLAG: Set the following flag?
    Output lat/long in decimal degree?(y/n) [n] 

FLAG: Set the following flag?
    Output lat/long referenced to current ellipsoid?(y/n) [n] 

FLAG: Set the following flag?
    Output lat/long referenced to WGS84 ellipsoid using datum
transformation parameters defined in current location if available?(y/n) [n] y

Left:   where am i
Middle: draw to/from here
Right:  quit this

                                                   WGS84 Co-ordinates
              LON:               LAT:               LON:               LAT:
pj_transform() failed
cause: failed to load NAD27-83 correction file
ERROR: Error in pj_do_proj()
GRASS:~ > g.projinfo 

PROJ_INFO file:	
name:	 Lat/Lon
datum:	 nzgd49
nadgrids:	 nzgd2kgrid0005.gsb
proj:	 ll
ellps:	 international
unit:	 degree
units:	 degrees
meters:	 1.0


GRASS:~ > d.where -w

Left:   where am i
Middle: draw to/from here
Right:  quit this

                                                   WGS84 Co-ordinates
              LON:               LAT:               LON:               LAT:
        168:17:54E        45:59:25.5S         168:17:54E        45:59:25.5S
     170:52:06.75E       43:46:20.25S      170:52:06.75E       43:46:20.25S
      173:26:19.5E          41:50:09S       173:26:19.5E          41:50:09S
     175:52:05.25E          40:00:18S      175:52:05.25E          40:00:18S

GRASS:~ > g.projinfo 

PROJ_INFO file:	
name:	 Lat/Lon
datum:	 nzgd49
towgs84:	 59.47,-5.04,187.44,0.47,-0.1,1.024,-4.5993
proj:	 ll
ellps:	 international
unit:	 degree
units:	 degrees
meters:	 1.0

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