[GRASS5] problem grass library gis.a

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Fri Jul 4 12:16:25 EDT 2003

Nico Hardebol wrote:

> > "make install" doesn't install the GRASS libraries or headers (except
> > for libgis and libdatetime), or any of the makefile fragments, so you
> > can't build "stand alone" GRASS modules (i.e. you can't build them
> > outside of the GRASS source tree).
> I will study this in more detail to solve my problems with g3d, does I have
> to consider CVS and complex makefiles with calling other makefiles in the
> grass source tree? - I'll study the programmanual grass50.
> At this moment I'm working in Kdevelop as lazy programer without much
> experience.. I think I can't handle it in Kdevlop anymore?

It is possible to build "stand alone" GRASS modules (i.e. outside of
the GRASS source tree), but you have to have a "built" source tree
available (i.e. you have to have compiled GRASS and not have done
"make clean" since), and you have to set up your makefiles (or IDE
configuration) to point to the libraries and headers that are there,
and you have to know which compiler/linker switches to use.

But it's a lot easier to put your code into the GRASS source tree
along with a Gmakefile. That way, "gmake5" will create a makefile with
all of the correct settings.

The easiest way to get the Gmakefile correct is to copy one from
another module which uses the same libraries (i.e. if you are using
g3d, copy the Gmakefile from a module which uses g3d).

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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