[GRASS5] Digitizers drivers for Genius NewSketch tablets

Jesús Lago Macía lago at uhu.es
Fri Jul 25 07:19:53 EDT 2003

Hi all!

I have written digitizer configuration files for
Genius NewSketch tablets to motivate our students
using GRASS.

I tested them with 1812HR, 1212HRII and 1212HRIII
models. Two configuration files where made:
gens_mmb_4 for MM protocol and gens_uib_16 for
UIOF protocol.

The following are rules for using these drivers:

    MM protocol (http://www.uhu.es/03009/grass/gens_mmb_4):
       - 1812HR with 4-button puck
       - 1212HRII with 4-button puck
       - 1212HRIII with 6-button puck + 2-button pen

    UIOF protocol (http://www.uhu.es/03009/grass/gens_uib_16):
       - 1812HR with 16-button puck
       - 1212HRII with 16-button puck
       - 1212HRIII with 6-button puck or 16-button puck

Furthermore, before compiling and installing v.digit
module, the source file "src/mapdev/v.digit/graph_input.c"
(grass5.0.2) must be modified in this form:

L1985 if (!raw_diginput())   |
L1986 {                      |
L1987   return(rtn);         |  =>  while(!raw_diginput()){}     
L1988 }                      |

This problem does not affect Diagnostic program
"src/mapdev/v.digit/Diagnostic/" which "graph_input.c"
is slightly different, but is not valid for v.digit.
(At once, the file "ginput.h" in Diagnostic program
is wrong. I needed to replace it with "g.input.h" in
v.digit for compile Diagnostic program)

I hope this message help someone to avoid duplication
of effort.


- Jesús Lago Macía                              -
- lago at uhu.es                                   -
- http://www.uhu.es/03009/                      -
- 21819 PALOS DE LA FRONTERA. HUELVA            -

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