[GRASS5] 5.1 - Vector data and elevation information

Radim Blazek blazek at itc.it
Mon Mar 24 04:32:55 EST 2003

On Friday 21 March 2003 10:50 am, Harald Wehr wrote:
> I just tried the new vector modules in grass51. You have done a really
> good job! Congratulations. It is working very nice.
> I have got a question about elevation information on a vector line. Will
> it be possible to store elevation information on every node of a vector
> line?
> I have digitized some streets in 5.1. Additionally i have some point
> data describing the elevation information of our region. Is it possible
> to "merge" the elevation information into the edges of every vector line?
> Thanks in advance
> Harald

To do this, you need a new module which takes 2D vector and raster DEM
and generates new 3D vector. Such module does not exist yet.


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