[GRASS5] [bug #1843] (grass) sell NI-MH battery

Request Tracker grass-bugs at intevation.de
Fri May 2 15:17:26 EDT 2003

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=1843

This is a multi-part message in MIME format
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=gb2312
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Dear All 

We can provide all kinds of NI-MH battery for you .Shenzhen High Power =
Technology CO., Ltd specializes in designing, manufacturing and marketing =
environment-friendly rechargeable battery-----Nickel Metal Hydride (Ni-MH) =
battery which is widely used in mobile phone, digital camera,cordless phone, =
R/C toys, emergency light, MP3 players, PDAs,power tools etc.

Type	Model	Size	capacity (mAh)
A	HFR-28A1000	2/3A	1000
	HFR-43A1700	4/5A	1700
	HFR-43A1800	4/5A	1800
	HFR-50A2000	A	2000
	HFR-50A2200	A	2200
	HFR-67A2800	7/5A	2800
	HFR-67A3300	7/5A	3300
AA	HFR-28AA650	2/3AA	650
	HFR-28AA750	2/3AA	750
	HFR-43AA1100	4/5AA	1100
	HFR-43AA1200	4/5AA	1200
	HFR-49AA1300	AA	1300
	HFR-49AA1500	AA	1500
	HFR-50AAJ1600	AA	1600
	HFR-50AAJ1800	AA	1800
	HFR-50AAJ2000	AA	2000
AAA	HFR-11AAA80	1/4AAA	80
	HFR-15AAA120	1/3AAA	120
	HFR-20AAA200	1/2AAA	200
	HFR-28AAA300	2/3AAA	300
	HFR-35AAA400	4/5AAA	400
	HFR-43AAA600	AAA	600
	HFR-44AAAJ650	AAA	650
	HFR-44AAA650	AAA	650
	HFR-50AAA700	L-AAA	700
	HFR-50AAA750	L-AAA	750
	HFR-67AAA900	LL-AAA	900
	HFR-67AAA950	LL-AAA	950
	HFR-51AAAA400	51AAAA	400
	HFR-66AAAA550	66AAAA	550
SC	HFR-43SC3000	SC	3000
C	HFR-50C4000	C	4000
D	HFR-60D8000	D	8000
F	HFR-90F11000	F	11000
Prismatic Cell Series			
HF	HFR-29F4-400	29F4-400	400
	HFR-35F5-500	35F5-500	500
	HFR-35JF5-700	35JF5-700	700
	HFR-39JF5-850	39JF5-850	850
	HFR-48F6-750	48F6-750	750
	HFR-67F8-1100	67F8-1100	1100

More information please visit our website : http://www.haopengbattery.com

we accept OEM/ODM .Thanks & very much .

This is a automatic mail system if It interrupt I am sorry . and please =
cancel it  .

Best regards

Website : http://www.haopengbattery.com
E-mail  : samwei at vip.sina.com

Shenzhen High Power Technology CO., Ltd 
ADD=A3=BABldg A2,Luoshan Industrial =
TEL=A3=BA(86 755)84652098 84652068 84652238   FAX=A3=BA(86 755)84651866 =



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>From sam at intevation.de  Fri May  2 21:17:24 2003
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From: sam <sam at intevation.de>
To: grass-bugs at intevation.de
Reply-To: sam at intevation.de
Subject: sell NI-MH battery
Date: Sat, 03 May 2003 03:19:21 +0800
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