[GRASS5] Update for Spearfish sample data

Markus Neteler neteler at itc.it
Fri May 9 12:12:58 EDT 2003

Dear developers,

based on help and suggestion from Paul Kelly I have
updated the PROJ_INFO file in the Spearfish sample data set.

The ellipsoid and datum was wrong (was WGS84, but it is Clarke66).

Paul suggested:

On Fri, May 09, 2003 at 05:01:35PM +0100, Paul Kelly wrote:
> Hello again Markus
> I think I have found a way of writing the PROJ_INFO so it is backward
> compatible; it relies on the fact that if GRASS doesn't recognise an
> option it will pass it on unaltered to PROJ so we just put the nadgrids
> datum parameter in at the end:
> name: UTM
> proj: utm
> ellps: clark66
> a: 6378206.4000000004
> es: 0.0067686580
> f: 294.9786982000
> zone: 13
> nadgrids: conus
> This won't be exactly the standard way of writing a PROJ_INFO file but it
> will work and there is no problem with it so I think it should be fine to
> use it to avoid having different spearfish versions like you say.
> Paul

The updated package is here:


 - try with any 5.0.x
 - try on various platforms

You may simply run
 g.region -l
which uses PROJ4 to report the current region in Lat/Long coordinates. 

If reports are ok, I'll move the file to

(especially to Paul)


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