[GRASS5] GRASS5.1: printing utility does not print what appears on monitor

Radim Blazek blazek at itc.it
Wed May 28 08:37:00 EDT 2003

On Wednesday 28 May 2003 12:51, Moritz Lennert wrote:
> Hello,
> Using d.m in GRASS.1 I have the problem that the files resulting from
> printing (be it ps, pdf or png) do not reflect what I see on the monitor.
> Using d.m I create the following commands for display:
> d.vect map=cp_clean color=0:0:0 fcolor=none display=shape type=area
> icon=basic/cross size=5 field=1 lfield=1
> d.vect map=cp_clean color=255:0:0 lcolor=0:0:0 fcolor=none
> display=shape,attr type=centroid,area icon=basic/cross size=5 field=1
> att=COMET lsize=5 lfield=1 where="COMET > 0"
> This displays the vector area map twice, once as a black background and
> once as a red outline of selected areas with the content of their
> attribute 'COMET' as text. None of the areas are filled.
> However, when I then launch the print utility in d.m, the resulting files
> do not contain the attributes and the areas are filled.
> In the ps.map script file I see that fcolor is set to 170:170:170 instead
> of none, so that seems to be the origin of the filled areas.

Yes, this was bug, fixed in cvs now.

> Concerning the attributes: is it possible to display them with ps.map
> directly with the vector file 


> or do I have to do this with the 'text' command ?

Try v.label, add this layer ('Add paint labels') in d.m, and print
tool in d.m should add them to the map.


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