[GRASS5] Grass 5.3 on Mac OSX

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Tue Nov 11 17:35:29 EST 2003

Michael Barton wrote:

> On the other hand, I could simply create a tarball of the 
> user/local/grass5 directory and /user/local/bin grass files (grass5, 
> gmake5 and gmakelink5 I think), gzip them and send them to someone if 
> they want them. Are there any other files  I need to include?

gmake5 and gmakelinks5 are of no use without the source code; there is
little point in including them in a binary distribution.

> Question: After the fact can I change the name of /usr/local/bin/grass5 
> to /usr/local/bin/grass53?


> Same for gmake5 and gmakelink5 files,

Yes, but probably not relevant; see above.

> and /usr/local/grass5 directory?

Yes, but:

1. You need to change the value of GISBASE in the grass5 script.

2. gmake5/gmakelinks5 won't work correctly; they will use the original
paths which are embedded into Makefile and src/CMD/head/head.<arch> by
the configure script. But, again, probably not relevant; see above.

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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