[GRASS5] GRASS 5.0.3 released

Scott Mitchell smitch at mac.com
Wed Nov 12 10:18:38 EST 2003

I've done the web page updates, and adapted the last (5.0.2) 
announcement with help from the list.

Re: sending out the announcement:

I have posted to news:comp.infosystems.gis, to newsforge, giscafe.com, 
directionsmag.com, and gisdevelopment.net.

Meine Deutsche ist nicht so gut, so I leave gis-news.de and geopoint.de 
to others.

Looks like freegis.org is already "on the ball".

I started writing to macnn.com, but have hesitated.  Especially given 
the recent discussions on use of GRASS on OS X, I thought that perhaps 
some updates to the web pages specific to this port might be in order 
first, in order to avoid a flood of questions from people not 
understanding the underlying prerequisites.  On top of that, the HEAD 
version (5.3-cvs) is easier to build on OS X in my experience, thanks 
in great part to all the work Markus put in fixing up the build, and 
there's also still the problem of the binary distribution being huge.  
I'll get to work on compiling some information...


Scott Mitchell

On Thursday, Nov 6, 2003, at 09:22 Canada/Eastern, Markus Neteler wrote:

> GRASS 5.0.3 is released now:

> Things still to do:
> (I leave this to others)
> - update Web site (is in CVS)
>     - index.html
>     - download.html
>     - grass5/index.html
>     - grasshist.html
>     - grass_releases.html
>     - bugtracking/bugreport.html
> - write announcement
>     - store in Web as announces/announce_grass503.html
>       (see e.g. announces/announce_grass502.html)
> - post to various sites (see documents/release_rules.txt at bottom)
> - build binaries (Linux, MacOSX, ...)
> Cheers
>  Markus
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Scott W. Mitchell		Scott_Mitchell at carleton.ca
Department of Geography and Environmental Studies
Carleton University, B349 Loeb Building (Office A209)
1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, ON Canada K1S 5B6
+1-613-520-2600 ext 2695 Fax: 1-613-520-4301

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