[GRASS5] [bug #1759] (grass) d.what.sites: very slow over a network connection

Harmisch Bowman via RT grass-bugs at intevation.de
Mon Nov 17 02:04:09 EST 2003

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=1759

Request number 1759 was commented on by 'hbowman' (Harmisch Bowman). 
Responding to this message will send mail to the requestor.
			Request Tracker
			rt at intevation.de

Cc: grass5 at grass.itc.it


GRASS 5.3/HEAD (Nov 2003)

Using the non-5.0.x d.what.sites over a 10Mbit ssh connection down the hall is
very slow & uses a ton of bandwidth during the "vector blink" stage. The
cursor doesn't return to crosshairs for several seconds, to the point where it
is unusable. (sites file contains a total of 4 sites)

see also:

R_panel_save() & R_panel_restore() sending xwd over the X connection, followed
by a disk write to a temporary file.

but what can be done to fix the problem? The current situation sucks.
Would Carl Worth's driver fix this? Figure out how not to use XGetImage() and

'd.barscale -m' seems to work ok without such issues..?

[also, cosmetically, I'd think you'd want a -v:verbose flag not a -q:quiet
flag to show / suppress debug info. And the -q flag should suppress the
"loading sites at mapset...NDIM=2, RTYPE = 0, NSTR=5, NDEC=0"
text as well.. I can make the change if people agree, or not if they don't.
noisiest wins.]


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