[GRASS5] Missing MapInfo support in 5.0.3?

Allan Metts ametts2 at mindspring.com
Fri Nov 21 11:37:30 EST 2003

Hi there,

I just built and installed GRASS 5.0.3.  I have manual pages for v.in.mif 
an s.in.mif, but the commands themselves don't seem to be available.  Did I 
fail to enable a compile option?  Or is this feature something that was 
added to the code in a subsequent version?

I'm very new to GRASS -- but I intend to use it in the midst of a 
MapInfo-based environment.  So any pointers from the experts would be most 
appreciated (at the moment, I'm seeing mostly ".MAP", ".TAB", and ".DAT" 
files -- not ".MIFs").

Thanks in advance!


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