[GRASS5] Re: missing mapinfo support

John Gillette JGillette at rfmd.com
Mon Nov 24 09:21:53 EST 2003

My previous post did .MIF lines.  Here is awk
program I found for areas:

{ if ($1 == "Region") { next } else
 { if ( NF == 1 ) { print "A " $1 } else
  { print "  " $2 " " $1 } } }
# remove "Region" statements, add "A", swap order.

I got smarter and figured out how to do the 
processing in one pass. If you substitute
"Pline" for "Region" you can do lines this way

These, unfortunately, do not import any 
attribute information so using the 
org2ogr may be better.

I hope this helps.


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