[GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:1863] Re: problems displaying layers on 5.7

Markus Neteler neteler at itc.it
Tue Nov 25 10:11:04 EST 2003

(cc grass5)

On Tue, Nov 25, 2003 at 12:24:29PM +0000, Glynn Clements wrote:
> Markus Neteler wrote:

[... WISH/GRASS_WISH issues ...]

I have updated etc/Init.sh (lib.init/init.sh) as suggested in CVS.

Following for the grass5 archive and/or tcl/tk programmers:

> > > In any case, the ultimate solution would be to fix the portability
> > > issues so that using the native wish program works. There really
> > > aren't that many portability problems, and some of the ones which
> > > exist are gratuitous (e.g. using xwininfo).
> > > 
> > > Regarding the "console1" problems, I was involved in a discussion on
> > > the list with Jeshua Lacock back in April, in the thread entitled
> > > "More Mac OS X Tcltkgrass Tweaks". However, that thread ended with me
> > > asking him to try some more tests; AFAICT, we haven't heard anything
> > > from him since then.
> > 
> > http://search.gmane.org/search.php?query=more+mac+os+x+tcltkgrass+tweaks+console1&email=&group=gmane.comp.gis.grass.devel&sort=date
> > 
> > I have remote access without display only (due to firewall or
> > whatever restrictions), but I can to a limited extend ask the
> > owner of that Mac machine to test something.
> OK. AFAICT, that thread contains everything which is publicly known
> about the "console1" problems with using the MacOSX Tcl/Tk for
> tcltkgrass.
> FWIW, the other common tcltkgrass-on-mac problems were:

This does not affect 5.7, right (doesn't contain tcltkgrass)?
> 1. Use of xwininfo in conjunction with "winfo id".
> 2. Use of xlsclients and xwininfo in search_xdrivers (gui.tcl).
> 3. Use of xterm.
> 1 will never work with the MacOSX Tcl/Tk; the Tk windows aren't X
> windows, so you can use xwininfo on them.
> 2 is valid (XDRIVER is still an X11 program even on MacOSX), but ugly. 
> If it wants to query the size, it should probably be using e.g. 
> d.frame.
> As for 3, hard-coding "xterm" is gratuitous. Making "xterm" the
> default is reasonable, but it should support the option of using a
> different terminal emulator. Although getting it to use a "native"
> console might be awkward.
> -- 
> Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

[ xterm found in src/tcltkgrass/main/*.tcl ]

Should we introduce
in etc/Init.sh? However, this is 5.0/5.3 related.


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