[GRASS5] some api questions

Helena Mitasova hmitaso at unity.ncsu.edu
Mon Oct 6 08:38:31 EDT 2003

Hamish wrote:
> Hi, some questions for the experts:
> Is there null support for the site->dbl_att[] ("%1.23") attributes?
>   can you have a blank "%" in the site record to preserve the column?

there is no support for null in the current site format, 
(that is supposed to be resolved in 5.7 by treating sites as vector
if you have a blank in the site record some applications will 
read only the points up to the record with missing data and some may
give an error
(i don't remember which modules do what). Any way, you need to have
an attribute vallue for each point for all site modules to work
This was discussed on this list some time ago.


> Is there a limit to the number of site->dbl_att[] attributes?
> Is  option->type=TYPE_INTEGER  long int? restricted to 0-65535?
> thanks,
> Hamish
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