[GRASS5] Fwd: (fink) Gdal package-missing ogr?

Eric Schermer schermer at msu.edu
Wed Sep 10 20:44:43 EDT 2003


I sent the below message to Matt Stephenson, the OS X FINK gdal 
package maintainer.  I did not test to see if ogr and PROJ4 work, but 
I will this weekend once I re-install my fink grass package.  I would 
like to be able to import some USGS data I've had sitting on my 
computer for a year now but I'm having difficulty even finding enough 
description of the files' boundries projections, etc, to be able to 
even setup the correct location and region settings in GRASS.  I 
think I tried v.in.ogr six months ago and it seems like I did get an 
ogr and/or PROJ4 error message, but maybe my DLG files aren't 
importable by gdal anyway..

Gdal 1.8.0-2 was updated 8/2/03 so perhaps Matt has already fixed this.

I included instructions I got six months ago on compiling gdal on OS 
X, from Aymeric GILLAIZEAU.  If anyone out there has a grass build 
that works perfectly on OS X please let me know.

Thank you,

>Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2003 20:18:16 -0400
>To: cattrap at users.sourceforge.net
>From: Eric Schermer <schermer at msu.edu>
>Subject: Gdal package-missing ogr?
>I noticed a message/web page today for a GRASS 5.1 binary installer 
>for OS X and the page asked to notify the FINK gdal maintainer that 
>certain features don't work in the Fink gdal package.  I am 
>currently re-installing GRASS by fink so I have not yet been able to 
>test this.  I don't see ogr and PROJ4 advertised to work on the gdal 
>package so perhaps you are aware of this.
>In case no one eles has yet notified you, I figured I ought to get 
>this message to you.  Also, six months ago, I did receive 
>instructions on compiling gdal but I have not yet tested it. 
>Compiling scares me.  Perhaps Markus's fink install was older than 
>your most recent revision 1.8.0-2?  Anyway, in case it helps, I also 
>fwd you the instructions I got from Aymeric Gillaizeau six months 
>ago and maybe he has even better info now.
>good luck,
>Thank-you for your efforts,
>From http://mpa.itc.it/markus/grass51/macosx/     Today,
>GRASS 5.1 binaries for Mac OS X
>WARNING: There seems to be a general bug - it doesn't get the path 
>right. Please wait to download unless this warning disappears.
>grass51-25_08_2003-powerpc-apple-darwin6.6-bin.tar.gz 7.7M
>grass51-25_08_2003-powerpc-apple-darwin6.6-install.sh 12k
>md5 checksums
>Note: As OGR supports seems to be missing in the FINK GDAL package, 
>v.in.ogr and v.out.ogr are not (yet) included.
>Please tell the FINK people to include OGR into their GDAL package.
>PROJ4 (seems to be missing in FINK),
>GDAL (get from FINK).
>More? Let me know.
>Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2003 00:15:29 +0100
>Subject: Gdal
>From: Aymeric GILLAIZEAU <a.gillaizeau at free.fr>
>To: schermer at msu.edu
>Hi !
>I have seen your message on Grass mailing list :
>I could not get gdal to compile.  There is problem with the ranlib
>and/or libtool in /usr/bin.  It wants to make a shared library for
>gdal rather than a static library.
>I have been able to built GDAL 1.1.8 without any problem. This is 
>how to proceed.
>First with Configure :
>./configure --with-libz=/usr/lib --with-png=internal 
>--with-tiff=internal --with-geotiff=internal --with-jpeg=internal 
>--with-gif=internal --with-pg=/usr/local/bin/pg_config 
>In my configuration, I use Proj 4.4.5 and PostgreSQL 7.3.2
>Then, you edit the GDALmake.opt, then you replace as follow :
>C_OPTFLAGS =	-O2 -I/usr/local/include by C_OPTFLAGS =	-O2 
>-I/usr/local/include -DPROJ_STATIC
>LIBS		:= $(filter-out -ldbmalloc,$(LIBS)) by LIBS 
>	:= $(filter-out -ldbmalloc,$(LIBS)) -dl (You have to do it 
>LD_SHARED	=	gcc -dynamiclib by LD_SHARED	=	g++ -dynamiclib
>Now you do the make
>you'll get an Error message that says that ogrsf_frmts.a is obsolete
>just do ranlib /gdal-1.1.8/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/ogrsf_frmts.a
>then restart the make
>then sudo make install
>I hope it will help you.
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