[GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:1246] a problem in NVIZ

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 16 10:14:38 EDT 2003

> I will appreciate if anyone explains reason of this problem concerning

I'm working on it..........

> (grass5.0 runs in slackware9.0)

[that's the second hit for this bug with Slackware 9.0, for anyone 
keeping score. What gcc, glibc, tcl versions is that please?]

> [GRASS:~ > nviz ...]
> Nv_(panels)
> toplevel made
> child killed: segmentation violation

hmmmm.. that's in a different place to where it was breaking for me.

Is it a floating point or integer based map?
If it is an integer based map, try converting it to a FP with r.mapcalc,
  (r.mapcalc fpmap=origmap*1.0)
and see if that works. (doubtful)

Try compiling with -DDEBUG_MSG and see if that fixes it.
   (CFLAGS=-DDEBUG_MSG ./configure ...)
 [that worked here, I have no idea why]

Try compiling with gcc ~2.95 if you can & see if that fixes it.
 [that works here]

Which version of Tcl are you using? Does using 8.3 help?

please let me know if any of this works, or doesn't.

I've currently got my integer-map bug tracked down to this line on
src/libes/ogsf/GS2.c:  (line 1445)
   filename = G_fully_qualified_name(filename, mapset);

Next is to follow G_fully_qualified_name() in src/libes/gis/nme_in_mps.c.
Hopefully this leads somewhere.

You're getting past that into etc/nviz2.2/scripts/nviz2.2_script though.
tcl8.4?? Maybe try adding -lpthreads to the end of XTRA_LDFLAGS in
and see what that does?

also of note, we have both:

Which are almost the same thing. The first one is the real one.

oh, what fun,

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> /usr/local/grass5/etc/nviz2.2/scripts
> Nv_(panels)
> toplevel made
> child killed: segmentation violation
>     while executing
> "exec /usr/local/grass5/etc/nviz2.2/NVWISH2.2 -f
> /usr/local/grass5/etc/nviz2.2/scripts/nviz2.2_script
> -name NVIZ >&@stdout"
>     ("eval" body line 1)
>     invoked from within
> "eval exec $env(GISBASE)/etc/nviz2.2/NVWISH2.2 -f
> $env(GISBASE)/etc/nviz2.2/scripts/nviz2.2_script -name
> NVIZ >&@stdout"
>     invoked from within
> "if {$argv == ""} {
> #no arguments
> eval exec $env(GISBASE)/etc/nviz2.2/NVWISH2.2 -f
> $env(GISBASE)/etc/nviz2.2/scripts/nviz2.2_script -name
> NVIZ >&@stdo..."
>     (file "/usr/local/grass5/bin/nviz" line 16)
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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