[GRASS5] d.rast.labels source

Vidya Kotamraju vidyakr at darya.nio.org
Wed Sep 24 04:38:21 EDT 2003


The executable is present in the sources.However i am interested in the 
source code as i want to modify it.
Where could i get it from ?


Jorge del Pozo wrote:

> Hello
> If you have download the sources of grass, and you have untar them, you
> can find the source code for d.rast.labels with this command (in linux):
> find ./ -name d.rast.labels
> By and sorry for my poor english
> Vidya Kotamraju(vidyakr at darya.nio.org)@24.09.2003 12:28:52 +0000:
>>Hello all,
>>Where could i get the source code for d.rast.labels (this command labels 
>>a raster map)???
>>The only job where you start at the top is digging a hole.
>>Kotamraju Vidya
>>Marine HydroDynamics Lab,
>>Physical Oceanography Division,
>>National Institute of Oceanography,
>>Dona Paula, Goa 403 004, India.
>>Ph.: +91-832-2450400 (O)
>>      +91-832-2541756 (R)
>>e-mail: vidyakr at darya.nio.org
>>grass5 mailing list
>>grass5 at grass.itc.it
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The only job where you start at the top is digging a hole.
Kotamraju Vidya
Marine HydroDynamics Lab,
Physical Oceanography Division,
National Institute of Oceanography,
Dona Paula, Goa 403 004, India.
Ph.: +91-832-2450400 (O)
      +91-832-2541756 (R)
e-mail: vidyakr at darya.nio.org

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