[GRASS5] r3.showdspf problems in GRASS 5.7

Michael Barton michael.barton at asu.edu
Thu Aug 26 11:44:25 EDT 2004

Thanks Helena,

Hope you've had a good summer. I'd like to try this version of NVIZ. I
checked the link you gave me and the GRASS 5.7 version there is an older one
than I am using, so I'd need to compile it into a different locale so as not
to mess up my working versions.

If I have time, I'll give it a try. I hope that the author can get this into
the CVS. It certainly makes more sense to have NVIZ do 3D than a separate
program. While he/she is working on this, I've noticed that the current
version of NVIZ reads the new GRASS 5.7 vector points and lines correctly,
but chokes on areas (it crashes rather than display the areas as
boundaries). Also Hamish is fixing a bug in the hires PPM output that
crashed NVIZ and prevented the PPM pieces from reassembling. Finally, is
there any hope for the scale function to work?

In a totally different vein, I am going to Tucson tomorrow to talk with
Steve Lansing--someone who has been doing agent modeling of irrigation
networks in Bali and has a biocomplexity grant to do this. I will also meet
with Brett Hill, one of the GIS/geospatial modeling people. If you haven't
touched base with Brett yet, you might want to do so. He has been trying to
get GRASS up and running under Cygwin recently. I'll find out tomorrow if
he's been successful or not. His email is bhill at cdarc.org and phone is
520-882-6946. I'd like to also talk with Tim Kohler, who has been doing work
like we propose in SW Colorado. Are there folks that I/you ought to think
about contacting to see if they have advice for us? I am hoping we can avoid
re-inventing the wheel as much as possible and also avoid any pitfalls that
others have run into.

I am hoping to get set up to do video conferencing/chat here. I thought it
might make it easier to exchange information among the somewhat far-flung
team members of the project. Do you have a set up to do this?

Anyway, thanks for the note. We should get in touch with each other and
Brett some this fall to talk about strategy. Hope your semester is off to a
good start.


On 8/26/04 8:26 AM, "Helena" <hmitaso at unity.ncsu.edu> wrote:

> Michael,
> I was away so I did not follow all discussion about r3.showdspf but my
> suggestion is that you
> don't spend time on r3.showdspf and the cloud data sample - they are not good,
> instead, please get GRASS5.3 or 5.7 from here - it has the volume
> visualization working
> within nviz:
> http://kopernik.cc.fmph.uniba.sk/~paudits/
> The author is now working on extracting the new and modified parts of the code
> so that
> it can be submitted to CVS, but you can use and test his GRASS5.7 or 5.3 code
> meanwhile.
> Let me know if you need test data sets - the cloud data set supposedly does
> not work
> with the current g3d.
> Helena

Michael Barton, Professor & Curator
School of Human Diversity and Social Change
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ  85287-2402

voice: 480-965-6262; fax: 480-965-7671
www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton

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