[GRASS5] [bug #2775] (grass) help argument not noticed among others

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 5 02:13:34 EST 2004

> this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=2775
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Help argument not noticed among:
> $ v.distance -p help from=shicorner2 to=shicorner2 \
>     upload=dist,to_along column=1,5 5.7.0

That should give you an error ... does it?

anything but

v.distance help
v.distance --help

should give you an error. 'help' is only scanned for as the first
arguement, anything after the 'help' is ignored.

The error should show the usage screen though, so little harm.

If some text is given, the parser assumes it is the first arguement,

d.erase color=blue
d.erase blue

 d.erase blue help
 d.erase help blue


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