[GRASS5] [GRASSLIST:5023] Re: R.in.arc in GRASS 5.7 menus

Helena hmitaso at unity.ncsu.edu
Mon Dec 6 11:15:15 EST 2004

Markus Neteler wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 06, 2004 at 11:32:36AM +0100, Maciek Sieczka wrote:
>>From: "Maciek Sieczka" <werchowyna at pf.pl>
>>>Markus Neteler wrote:
>>>>We intend to remove it anyway as r.in.gdal should do the job.
>>>>Please report cases (with data) where r.in.gdal fails to the
>>>>GDAL bugtracker.
>>>Do we know if and when Frank is going to fix that GDAL takes the floating
>>>point AI ASCII GRID as an integer if there is more than 1K of null values,
>>>ususally represented as "-something", in the beginning of such an FP grid?
>>Nobody answers so I assume that we don't know. 
> IMHO this message should be posted to the GDAL mailing list as
> it belongs to GDAL. Please post there as well.

I suggest to keep r.in.arc in GRASS5.7/6.0 until this is fixed in r.in.gdal,
Maciek, please post to GDAL list because it needs to be fixed in GDAL.


>>In that case removing
>>r.in.arc makes no sense yet - until this bug in gdal is fixed. Otherwise
>>ther will be problems an bug reports from people having nulls in the
>>beginning or their grids, which is not that unlikely to happen.
>>>Besides - would r.in.gdal recognize if the grid is DCEL or FCELL? Or is
>>>there a way to force either like in r.in.arc?
>>So I assume that r.in.gdal doesn't let one to recognize or force the
>>required accuracy. Another reason for not removing r.in.arc yet.
>>What do you think?
> Maybe related flags could be added to r.in.gdal to enforce CELL/FCELL/DCELL.
> Markus
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