[GRASS5] [bug #2786] (grass) d.zoomed in and out too much, now can't get back exactly

Florian Goessmann florian at wallweg39.de
Tue Dec 7 14:10:04 EST 2004

On 06 Dec 2004, at 13:23, Markus Neteler wrote:
> Probably a long standing wish, but: Volunteer(s) needed...

i added these functions to d.zoom (i hope i understood the wishes 
correctly). on quit, you get another menu asking you if you want to a) 
reset to default region b) reset to region from where d.zoom started or 
c) quit.

it works with d.zoom and d.zoom -f. as i don't know how to update the 
cvs i sent you the files. the new quit.c and an updated main.c.


-------------- next part --------------
 *   d.zoom
 *   Get region through graphics

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "gis.h"
#include "display.h"
#include "raster.h"
#include "Vect.h"
#define	MAIN
#include "local_proto.h"
#include "glocale.h"

main (int argc, char **argv)
    int stat;
#ifdef QUIET
    struct Flag *quiet;
    struct Flag *just, *full, *hand, *pan;
    struct Option *rmap, *vmap, *zoom;
    struct GModule *module;
    double magnify;
    int i, first=1;
    char *mapset;
    struct Cell_head window, defwin, currwin;

    /* Initialize globals */
    rast = vect = NULL;
    nrasts = nvects = 0;

    /* Initialize the GIS calls */
    G_gisinit(argv[0]) ;

    module = G_define_module();
    module->description = 
	    "Allows the user to change the current geographic "\
             "region settings interactively, with a mouse.";

    /* Conditionalize R_open_driver() so "help" works, open quiet as well */
    if (R_open_driver() == 0)
        if(D_get_cell_list (&rast, &nrasts) < 0)
            rast = NULL;
            rast = (char **)G_realloc(rast, (nrasts+1)*sizeof(char *));
            rast[nrasts] = NULL;

        if(D_get_dig_list (&vect, &nvects) < 0)
            vect = NULL;
            vect = (char **)G_realloc(vect, (nvects+1)*sizeof(char *));
            vect[nvects] = NULL;

    rmap = G_define_option();
    rmap->key = "rast";
    rmap->type = TYPE_STRING;
    rmap->multiple = YES;
    if (rast)
          rmap->answers = rast;
    rmap->required = NO;
    rmap->gisprompt = "old,cell,raster" ;
    rmap->description = "Name of raster map";
    vmap = G_define_option();
    vmap->key = "vector";
    vmap->type = TYPE_STRING;
    vmap->multiple = YES;
    if (vect)
          vmap->answers = vect;
    vmap->required = NO;
    vmap->gisprompt = "old,dig,vector" ;
    vmap->description = "Name of vector map";
    zoom = G_define_option() ;
    zoom->key        = "zoom" ;
    zoom->type       = TYPE_DOUBLE ;
    zoom->required   = NO ;
    zoom->answer     = "0.75" ;
    zoom->options    = "0.001-1000.0" ;
    zoom->description= "magnification: >1.0 zooms in, <1.0 zooms out" ;

#ifdef QUIET
    quiet = G_define_flag();
    quiet->key = 'q';
    quiet->description = "Quiet";

    full = G_define_flag();
    full->key = 'f';
    full->description = "Full menu (zoom + pan)";

    pan = G_define_flag();
    pan->key = 'p';
    pan->description = "Pan mode";

    hand = G_define_flag();
    hand->key = 'h';
    hand->description = "Handheld mode";

    just = G_define_flag();
    just->key = 'j';
    just->description = "Just redraw given maps using default colors";

    if(!rast && !vect )
	rmap->required = YES;
	just->answer = 1;

    if ((argc > 1 || (!rast && !vect )) && G_parser(argc,argv))

	    leftb   = 1; lefts   = "Left:  ";
	    middleb = 3; middles = "Right: ";
	    rightb  = 2; rights  = "Middle:";
	    leftb   = 1; lefts   = "Left:  ";
	    middleb = 2; middles = "Middle:";
	    rightb  = 3; rights  = "Right: ";

    if( (full->answer + pan->answer + hand->answer) > 1)
	G_fatal_error("Please choose only one mode of operation");

    sscanf(zoom->answer,"%lf", &magnify);

#ifdef QUIET
    /* if map was found in monitor: */
    if (rast || vect ) 

    cmd = NULL;
    if (!just->answer)
        if (R_open_driver() != 0)
	    G_fatal_error ("No graphics device selected");
	stat = R_pad_get_item("list", &list, &nlists);
	if (stat || !nlists)
	    fprintf(stderr, _("ERROR: can not get \"list\" items\n"));
	    fprintf(stderr, _("-j flag forced\n"));
	    just->answer = 1;
	    cmd = (char *)G_malloc(strlen(list[0])+1);
	    strcpy(cmd, list[0]);
	    for(i=1; i<nlists; i++)
		cmd = (char *)G_realloc(cmd, strlen(cmd)+strlen(list[i])+2);
		strcat(cmd, "\n");
		strcat(cmd, list[i]);

    if (just->answer)
    	if (rmap->answers && rmap->answers[0])
	    rast = rmap->answers;
	    rast = NULL;
	    nrasts = 0;
    	if (vmap->answers && vmap->answers[0])
	    vect = vmap->answers;
	    vect = NULL;
	    nvects = 0;

/* Make sure map is available */
    if (rmap->required == YES && rmap->answers == NULL)
	fprintf(stderr, _("ERROR: No map is displayed in GRASS monitor\n"));

    if (rast)
        struct Cell_head window;

	for(i=0; rast[i]; i++);
	nrasts = i;

	for(i=0; i<nrasts; i++){
    		mapset = G_find_cell2 (rast[i], "");
    		if (mapset == NULL)
			char msg[256];
			sprintf(msg,"Raster file [%s] not available", rast[i]);
			G_fatal_error(msg) ;
	 		if(G_get_cellhd(rast[i], mapset, &window) >= 0)
					first = 0;
					U_east = window.east;
					U_west = window.west;
					U_south = window.south;
					U_north = window.north;
					if(window.east > U_east)
						U_east = window.east;
					if(window.west < U_west)
						U_west = window.west;
					if(window.south < U_south)
						U_south = window.south;
					if(window.north > U_north)
						U_north = window.north;

    if (vmap->required == YES && vmap->answers == NULL)

    if (vect)
        struct Map_info Map;

	for(i=0; vect[i]; i++);
	nvects = i;

	for(i=0; i<nvects; i++){
    		mapset = G_find_vector2 (vect[i], "");
    		if (mapset == NULL)
			char msg[256];
			sprintf(msg,"Vector file [%s] not available", vect[i]);
			G_fatal_error(msg) ;
			if(Vect_open_old(&Map, vect[i], mapset) >= 2)
			        Vect_get_map_box (&Map, &box );
					first = 0;
					U_east = box.E;
					U_west = box.W;
					U_south = box.S;
					U_north = box.N;
					if(box.E > U_east)
						U_east = box.E;
					if(box.W < U_west)
						U_west = box.W;
					if(box.S < U_south)
						U_south = box.S;
					if(box.N > U_north)
						U_north = box.N;

	    if(U_east == U_west)
		    U_east += 100;
		    U_west -= 100;
	    if(U_south == U_north)
		    U_south -= 100;
		    U_north += 100;

	    U_east += 0.05 * (U_east - U_west);
	    U_west -= 0.05 * (U_east - U_west);
	    U_south -= 0.05 * (U_north - U_south);
	    U_north += 0.05 * (U_north - U_south);

    if (R_open_driver() != 0)
        G_fatal_error ("No graphics device selected");

    if ( !hand->answer ) { 
        fprintf(stderr, _("%d raster%s, %d vector%s\n"),
		    nrasts, (nrasts > 1 ? "s":""),
		    nvects, (nvects > 1 ? "s":""));

    /* Do the zoom */
    if ( full->answer == 1 )
	stat = zoomwindow(&window, 1, magnify);
    else if(pan->answer == 1)
    else {
	if ( hand->answer == 0 )
            make_window_box (&window, magnify, 0, 0);
	    make_window_box (&window, magnify, 0, 1);


    if (rast)
      R_pad_freelist(rast, nrasts);

    if (vect)
      R_pad_freelist(vect, nvects);

    fprintf(stdout,_("Zooming finished.\n"));

-------------- next part --------------
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "gis.h"
#include "display.h"
#include "raster.h"
#include "local_proto.h"
#include "glocale.h"

int quit (struct Cell_head *defwin, struct Cell_head *currwin) {

  int screen_x, screen_y, button;
  int hand = 0;
  double ux1, uy1, ux2, uy2, ew, ns;
  fprintf(stderr, "\n\nButtons:\n") ;
  fprintf(stderr, "%s reset to default region\n", lefts) ;
  fprintf(stderr, "%s reset to region before d.zoom started\n", middles) ;
  fprintf(stderr, "%s Quit\n", rights) ;	
  R_get_location_with_pointer(&screen_x, &screen_y, &button);		
  if (button == leftb) {
    ew = defwin->east - defwin->west;
    ns = defwin->north - defwin->south;

    if ( ns <= defwin->ns_res ) {
      ns = 2 * defwin->ns_res;

    if ( ew <= defwin->ew_res ) {
      ew = 2 * defwin->ew_res;

    ux1 = defwin->east;
    ux2 = defwin->west;
    uy1 = defwin->north;
    uy2 = defwin->south;

    set_win (defwin, ux1, uy1, ux2, uy2, hand);
    return 0;
  if (button == middleb) {
    ew = currwin->east - currwin->west;
    ns = currwin->north - currwin->south;

    if ( ns <= currwin->ns_res ) {
      ns = 2 * currwin->ns_res;

    if ( ew <= currwin->ew_res ) {
      ew = 2 * currwin->ew_res;

    ux1 = currwin->east;
    ux2 = currwin->west;
    uy1 = currwin->north;
    uy2 = currwin->south;

    set_win (currwin, ux1, uy1, ux2, uy2, hand);
    return 0;
  if (button == rightb) {
    return 0;

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