[GRASS5] [bug #2805] (grass) ^H^H^H emitted while working
hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 7 20:52:30 EST 2004
> this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=2805
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Regarding the ^H^H^H^H^H etc. mess most every command spews while
> working, those of us who work in emacs' compile windows have to change
> windows and page down each time to see what is happening with the real
> results. OK, we could add a "1>&2 |col -b" after each command, but
> that also would delay results.
> Batch job users I'm sure have to put up with it, as do telnet or slow
> line connection users.
> Wish there was a global way to turn it off.
your lucky day.
I think the backspaces are probably from G_percent() updating:
Percent done
Radim recently changed this in CVS to work a bit cleaner with the tcl GUI
set the GRASS_MESSAGE_FORMAT enviroment (not GRASS) variable to 'gui'
maybe with 'grep -v' for your case.
see this thread:
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