[GRASS5] How to get point counts?

Michael Barton michael.barton at asu.edu
Tue Dec 28 13:06:10 EST 2004

Thanks Tom,

But this is the same as doing a raster buffer (r.buffer), which saves a
couple of steps (i.e., creating a vector circle and converting it to
raster). If I can get the count of points, I've already programmed the LDA
algorithm in a shell script--as it's very simple. This makes it directly
useable in GRASS without needing R.


On 12/28/04 10:39 AM, "Thomas Adams" <Thomas.Adams at noaa.gov> wrote:

> Michael,
> What about creating a circle vector (centered at the point of interest),
> convert it to a raster which you then use as a mask; then use R to do
> your statistics on the layer of interest?
> Tom
> Michael Barton wrote:
>> I'm working on a little script that will do Local Density Analysis for
>> archaeology, and have run into an odd problem for a high-end GIS like GRASS.
>> I am having considerable difficulty in getting the count of points within a
>> given distance of another point. That is, for each point, I'd like to get
>> the number of points (in either the same or, better, another map layer)
>> within 100m, 200m, 300m, etc.
>> I first wrote my script using v.neighbors--reading the documentation rather
>> than trying it out (I know, bad idea)--followed by r.sum. It seemed perfect,
>> but it turns out that v.neighbors doesn't do what it seems it ought to do
>> given the documentation. When have time to figure out exactly what it IS
>> doing, I will see if I can clarify the docs.
>> R.neighbors is too restrictive in its window size (only 3-25) and the window
>> size is in grid units rather than in ground units (making my task
>> additionally complicated).
>> Creating a raster buffer with bands at the set of distances I need, followed
>> by r.statistics seemed like a good idea. But again, the actual behavior of
>> r.statistics does not seem to match quite what the docs imply--though the
>> docs also need to be updated a lot. Again, if I can be sure of what
>> r.statistics is doing I can try to update the docs.
>> Perhaps v.distance might be a place to start. However, I was trying to test
>> it on the Spearfish dataset to understand its behavior and stymied by the
>> lack of a dbf attribute file for any of the point data AND GRASS's apparent
>> inability to construct one from scratch (it seems like v.in.db will add
>> fields to an existing table but won't make one if it doesn't exist).
>> However, I'm still not sure what distances will end up being put into the
>> selected distance field if I choose the flag to calculate all distances
>> within a threshold. And I'm still left with a question about how to count
>> points within a set distance unless GRASS supports count(*) in its SQL
>> subset (it doesn't say that it does, but perhaps someone knows for sure).
>> As far as I can see, there are no distance functions in r.mapcalc.
>> Right now, I'm looking at doing a series of buffers, making each a mask and
>> running r.sum for each mask. This seems klunky but doable.
>> I am hoping that there is some kind of solution to this that I am missing.
>> Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
>> Michael
>> ____________________
>> C. Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
>> School of Human Evolution and Social Change
>> PO Box 872402
>> Arizona State University
>> Tempe, AZ  85287-2402
>> USA
>> Phone: 480-965-6262
>> Fax: 480-965-7671
>> www: <www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton>
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Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
School of Human, Evolution and Social Change
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ  85287-2402

voice: 480-965-6262; fax: 480-965-7671
www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton

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