Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 19 21:08:16 EST 2004

> > One thing I am very curios about is the comment recently in a Radim
> > email which had the following:
> > /* number of elements for each type (point, line, boundary,
> >              centroid, area, face, kernel) */
> > I am very curious about the use of the different "types".
> This is only information about number of types for each field.
> Say that there are 2 features in the map, roads (type line, field 1)
> and crossroads (type point, field 2), usig this info it is possible 
> to get (in OGR for example) list of layers without reading all
> features: roads_line
> crossroads_point

Could you explain what the vector model definitions of "face" and 
"kernel" are?

I'm not sure I fully understand these.


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