[GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:2714] Re: Grass 5.3-5.7 OS X bin ready. Install ... (fwd)

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Wed Feb 25 00:22:51 EST 2004

Paul Kelly wrote:

> I'll forward this to the main developers' mailing list as the errors are
> interesting.
> Yes a lot of modules didn't compile (28 I counted) but it might still be a
> manageable number (and I don't think the rest would bring you more than a
> few megabytes more above the 50MB). If you put the full output of the make
> command with all the errors (and the configure you used) on a website
> somewhere it might be helpful and allow some of the problems to be fixed.
> Already I have fixed the cp -af problem in CVS by removing the a.

The "-a" switch is equivalent to "-dpR". "-p" and "-R" (which appear
to be supported by the MacOSX "cp") aren't important in this case, but
"-d" is; it ensures that symlinks are copied as symlinks, and not as
the files to which they point.

If "-d" doesn't work on other platforms, some method other than "cp"
will have to be used for populating $GISBASE/lib.

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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