[GRASS5] Spamfilter added for RT Bugtracker mails

Markus Neteler neteler at itc.it
Mon Jan 12 05:17:27 EST 2004

On Mon, Jan 12, 2004 at 10:46:32AM +0100, Bernhard Reiter wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 12, 2004 at 10:03:33AM +0100, Markus Neteler wrote:
> > To get rid (hopefully) of most spams arriving in 'grass5'
> > mailing list via bugtracker, I have added a filter rule
> > to pipe RT mails through 'bogofilter':
> Note that we already have a spam filter running
> here at Intevation before we accept entries in the bugtracker.
> We are running spamassasin.
> It also contains a bayesian spam filter component
> in additions to other methods.
> As you can see there is no total protection.
> However we tuned it to minimise false positives.

Maybe that's the problem - it's not catching some obvious
mails. Note that I have additionally implemented some 60
rules in procmail to catch further spams (including some
missed from RT spamassasin).

Started in August 2002, these procmail rules have been catching
more than 2700 spams. A major help for me as I didn't had to
eliminate them from mailman's admin tool (otherwise mailman
would catch them except for RT mails).

> > The same filter has been applied also to 'weblist' (mailing list
> > dedicated to receive web site comments and requests).

On 'weblist' list, bogofilter has caught already 8 mails since
installation some hours ago.

> > Let me know in case of problems
> Let us know the number of false positives over the next month.
> I'd rather have 10 false negatives than 1 false positive.

Will do. It was trained on 6000 spams (filtered from my personal box)
and some thousand hams. So far I had 2 false positives which is
an exciting good ratio. I'm pretty happy with bogofilter
and want to let you participate :-)

So please don't feel offended, RT is configured well. I don't
see a problem to filter again, just to minimize the remaining
rubbish passing RT spamassasin in that current configuration.


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