Flavio flias at ecosconsult.com.br
Tue Jan 20 11:48:56 EST 2004

Hi All,

I have couple of questions about V.SUPPORT vs V.DIGIT. As we know after we 
break a line, we will lose the labels around the line being brooken. However, 
I have found a patch (sorry, don't know who wrote it) which solves the 
problem about keeping the labels of the areas. The problem is, for instance, 
if I decided to change the label of the area been divided, grass will tell me 
that the area has no label (eventhough I can see the label on the map ). So 
what I have to do is to quit V.DIGIT, run V.SUPPORT re-open V.DIGIT and then 
use the Un-Label area function. 
Problem(1): In order to solve the problem of having quit V.DIGIT and run 
V.SUPPORT after a line breaking, I have added the following code line: 

               sprintf(buffer, _("v.support map='%s' option=build"),map);

right after a line is broken. However, is not working properly (topology is 
not built) eventhough I quit V.DIGIT and re-open it, I'm still unable to 
change or delete label (get message "Area not labeled"). 
1)Why runing V.SUPPORT from inside V.DIGIT doesn't work? Is that because 
V.DIGIT locks "dig_plus"?
2) Is there a way to by-pass that? 

Thanks a lot



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