[GRASS5] d.barscale enhancement, d.scale retirement

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Mon Jan 26 08:19:04 EST 2004

Hamish wrote:

> > Do you see a chance to extend d.barscale to work with Lat/Long?
> d.scale lets you draw something to the screen in Lat/Long, but it's
> totally wrong. d.barscale is an improvement as it won't let you try.
> So I don't think there's anything worth keeping d.scale around for now.
> If one were to make d.scale/barscale work in lat/lon, how would you do
> it? Use 1852*60*cos(lat) to favour the x-axis as the scale bar will be
> horizontal? Regardless of what you do a one-dimensional scale will be
> incorrect in the other dimension, and I'd rather not get into maximum
> latitude/scale rules.

How about marking the scale in degrees?

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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