[GRASS5] [bug #2537] (grass) aitoff/winkel tripel fails on rasters

Request Tracker grass-bugs at intevation.de
Wed Jul 14 16:45:32 EDT 2004

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=2537

Subject: aitoff/winkel tripel fails on rasters

Platform: other
grass obtained from: Trento Italy site
grass binary for platform: Compiled from Sources
GRASS Version: cvs 20040710

When trying to project a raster from geographic (or any other projection) to a Winkel Tripel or Aitoff, 
r.proj spews out VERY many

pj_transform() failed
cause: non-convergent inverse meridinal dist

errors, then gives up with:

ERROR: Input map is outside current region

and stops.  The region is correct - I use proj (or m.proj2 in grass53) to determine the extents 
needed.  And it projects vectors (v.proj) just fine.

Problem with both GRASS 5.3 and 5.7, CVS 2004-7-10, Mac OS 10.3.4, GDAL 1.2.1 + PROJ 4.4.8 
(also tried 4.4.7).

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