[GRASS5] [bug #2488] (grass) GRASS 5.7 WISH - improve string reading ability in g.parser

Request Tracker grass-bugs at intevation.de
Wed Jun 16 18:20:10 EDT 2004

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=2488

Subject: GRASS 5.7 WISH - improve string reading ability in g.parser

grass binary for platform: MacOSX
GRASS Version: 5.7 26-03-2004

g.parser has difficulties parsing strings with spaces in them. If you enter a string with spaces, it treats each word as a separate, illegal entry for that variable. It doesn't make any difference if you try to quote it or not. The quotes seem to be automatically stripped away. This affects its ability to read SQL queries (it bombs out if you use AND, although this is permitted from the command line as long as you quote the query). It also makes it impossible to input column descriptions for v.in.ascii unless you go to the command line. There are other modules equally affected--usually those dealing with databases (although it also prevented me from doing a general purpose gdalwarp script because it won't parse a PROJ4 string). Any thoughts about how this could be fixed?

Michael Barton

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