[GRASS5] [bug #2511] (grass) display driver converts colr2 colormaps to CELL only

Request Tracker grass-bugs at intevation.de
Mon Jun 28 01:17:07 EDT 2004

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=2511

Subject: display driver converts colr2 colormaps to CELL only

Platform: GNU/Linux/i386
grass obtained from: Trento Italy site
grass binary for platform: Compiled from Sources
GRASS Version: 5.7.0beta5


after setting a color map for a raster at another_mapset with r.colors, a new colormap file is placed in $current_MAPSET/colr2/$another_mapset/$rastername. That lets you change the colors for a map in a mapset you don't own.
That seems to work correctly & write a good colr file.

When you go to display the raster though, the raster displays as if it had been converted into a CELL map, ie for a DCELL map ranging from 0.3 to 5.8 you get 5-6 filled contour levels instead of a smooth transition. 

I guess the problem is somewhere in the display lib?

happens in both 5.3 & 5.7

This isn't specifically caused by the (still unfixed?) r.colors rounding problem at the max/min value (causing areas of min/max value rounded the wrong way to display white [or whatever color nv was set to]); but it may make that more noticeable for a DCELL map with a max-min range of say <32.0.

Actually, after playing around with it, I think the conversion to CELL by the display driver bug probably accounts for what I was thinking was rounding error by r.colors. Perhaps not totally though.



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