[GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:2864] Re: GRASS 5.3 Cygwin distribution

Richard Greenwood rich at greenwoodmap.com
Mon Mar 8 10:09:49 EST 2004

Glynn Clements wrote:
> Richard Greenwood wrote:
>>Regarding "d.mon png" I added gd to 5.0.3 but it still did not work. I 
>>also tried it under 5.3 (which supposedly does not require gd) and it 
>>did not work there either.
>>Also tried adding fftw as recommended at:
>>But failed to get it working either.
> Can you provide more details regarding what went wrong?
> I have built both the PNG driver and the programs which require FFTW
> under Cygwin.

I could not find FFTW as part of the Cygwin binary distribution system, 
so I downloaded, built and installed FFTW 2.1.5, and enabled FFTW in my 
GRASS 5.0.3 configure. The following is the compilation error log. I 
assume all these failed due to FFTW problem.

   GRASS GIS compilation log
   Start of compilation: Sun Mar  7 15:51:03 MST 2004
   Compilation error in module: src/imagery/i.fft (ignored)
   Compilation error in module: src/imagery/i.zc (ignored)
   Compilation error in module: src/raster/r.surf.fractal (ignored)
   Compilation error in module: src.contrib/CERL/imagery/i.shape (ignored)
   End of compilation:   Sun Mar  7 16:00:22 MST 2004
   DONE generating GRASS GIS binary code

Regarding PNG, I installed the current gd and libgd via the Cygwin setup 
program, enabled gd (and png) in my 5.0.3 configure, and received no 
errors. However running GRASS:

   GRASS:~ > d.mon png
   ERROR: no such monitor 'png'
   No such monitor as 'png'
   Problem selecting png. Will try once more
   No such monitor as 'png'

I recall an earlier email from you in which you said gd was no required 
in 5.3, however I get exactly the same error as above in 5.3.

Nviz question: With what versions of GRASS is it appropriate to use and 
distribute the Cygwin NVWISH2.2 that you provided?

What would be merits of enabling proj? Although I have it installed 
under Cygwin, GRASS configure fails when I try to enable proj.


Richard Greenwood

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