[GRASS5] [bug #2368] (grass) AGNPS

Request Tracker grass-bugs at intevation.de
Mon Mar 29 00:58:11 EST 2004

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=2368

Dear Sir,

I sent an e-mail to ask R.Srinivasan about license of GRASS-AGNPS. He told me it is an public license.
Might be you can do something about GRASS-AGNPS in the next version of GRASS.

Sincerly yours

Thongchai Phothong

AGNPS is public domain...pl. search for ANNAGNPS...


At 07:51 PM 3/24/2004 +0800, you wrote:

> Dear Sir,
> I am a student at Curtin University of Technology.
> I would like to use Grass AGNPS model. I have know AGNPS model is not public license. How could I do if I want to use and develope it?
> Sincerly yours
> Thongchai Phothong 

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>From thongchai.phothong at student.curtin.edu.au  Mon Mar 29 07:58:11 2004
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Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2004 13:58:06 +0800
From: Thongchai Phothong <thongchai.phothong at student.curtin.edu.au>
Subject: AGNPS
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