[GRASS5] QGIS - GRASS data provider

Radim Blazek blazek at itc.it
Mon Mar 29 10:57:14 EST 2004

GRASS vector data provider was uploaded to QGIS CVS. 
GRASS++ library was merged to the provider and isn't required any more.

cvs update -dP
./configure --with-grass=/path/to/gisbase

If QGIS is not run inside GRASS session, set GISBASE before
and add your path to GRASS libs to LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

Look at screenshots: http://qgis.sourceforge.net/screenshots.html
and user guide: http://qgis.sourceforge.net/docs/userguide.html
to see some of those nice new QGIS features.

Thanks to all QGIS developers.


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