[GRASS5] QGIS - GRASS data provider

Paul Kelly paul-grass at stjohnspoint.co.uk
Mon Mar 29 14:52:41 EST 2004

On Mon, 29 Mar 2004 lesejk at tiscali.cz wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 29, 2004 at 05:57:14PM +0200, Radim Blazek wrote:
> > GRASS vector data provider was uploaded to QGIS CVS.
> > GRASS++ library was merged to the provider and isn't required any more.
> Does it mean, that I can't use GRASS (5.7) without QGIS any more?

No (of course not!). I think Radim means if you have GRASS installed, then
install QGIS, you can access GRASS data from QGIS straight away.

> And could You explain me (only brief), why are You using Qt-based program?

Radim did not write QGIS; it was already existing.

> I do not understand programming too much, but, as user, I would prefer GTK+
> library.

ISTR a year or two ago there was some kind of a consensus on the mailing
list that GTK would be good for a GRASS GUI. But nobody has written a
GRASS GUI. If you want it, go ahead and do it yourself. (that is the way
GRASS development gets done). :-)


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