Radim Blazek blazek at itc.it
Fri May 7 12:32:08 EDT 2004

I added also OGR DBMI driver, but there is a problem,
I wanted to use FID (feature ID) as GRASS category, unfortunately
FID may be 0, in GRASS, category = 0 is the same as no category,
so I used FID+1 in vector library, but I forgot that it cannot
work in the driver. 

Any idea how to solve this?


On Friday 07 May 2004 11:08, Radim Blazek wrote:
> I have submitted OGR support to vector library, it is using also the
> work previously done by Piero Cavalieri.
> frmt format:
> FORMAT: ogr
> DSN: <DSN>
> LAYER: <DEFANGED_Layer name>
> example GML:
> FORMAT: ogr
> DSN: /gdata/ogr/test2.gml
> LAYER: test
> example Shapefile:
> FORMAT: ogr
> DSN: /gdata/suolo/shp
> LAYER: uso_suolo
> example PostGIS:
> FORMAT: ogr
> DSN: PG:dbname=pgtest
> LAYER: uso_suolo
> I have tested only Shapefile, GML and PostGIS. Results are very bad.
> For GRASS, random access and stable FID are essential.
> Unfortunately GML and PostGIS do not support random access currently
> and FID may change for PostGIS if OGC_FID does not exist.
> d.vect with Shapefile via OGR takes 50 second and
> 5 seconds for GRASS native format.
> It seems that direct OGR access does not have practical meaning,
> however, it is good for 'marketing'.
> Please test it in any case, especially with other formats.
> I am going to write OGR DB driver.
> Radim
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