[GRASS5] GNU/LinuxTag 2004
Bernhard Reiter
bernhard at intevation.de
Thu May 13 06:11:23 EDT 2004
On Wed, May 12, 2004 at 11:03:59AM +0200, Jens Oberender wrote:
> On the 23. to 26. June 2004 there will be the LinuxTag in
> Karlsruhe/Germany, the largest fair and conference about "Linux
> and free software" in Europe.
For fun I like to call it GNU/Linuxtag or GLT,
because it actually is more about the operating system
and not the famous kernel.
It indeed is an impressive event,
but this is also one of the problems:
There is so much stuff going on that it is very hard
to actually have a relaxed special purpose meeting.
> German address:
> http://www.linuxtag.org/2004/linuxtag.html
> English translation:
> http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=de&u=http://www.linuxtag.org/2004/index.html
> I think this would be a good place to me for the "Open Source GIS
> Community" too.
I consider myself part of the "Free Software GIS Community".
It is important to me that I'll make a stand for the mid term,
business and social aspects of Free Software.
> On the QGIS channel I suggested it to the other developers there
> and three (with me) of the europeans will come to the LinuxTag.
> It'll be nice for getting to know each other better, talk about
> interesting stuff and ideas and certainly heavy hacking.
> As QGIS has a plugin for opening GRASS stuff now and we want more
> GRASS integration in the future we thought we could bring the idea
> of a "Open Source GIS Community" meeting also to the GRASS people,
> as a lot of the main developers (Markus, Radim and the guys of
> Intevation) and users are from Europe or even Germany and it
> therefore would be easy for them to attend.
> Intevation will have a booth there (they had also the last years) afaik.
Yes, Intevation will have a booth.
Drop by and say hi if possible!
Intevation's GLT booth will be focused to explain our GIS services
and other commercial Free Software offerings to potential customers.
This is a bottleneck in the success of Free Software in my view:
We need to connect to the users with more political and financial power.
In the GIS area I consider the barrier higher as with other areas
of Free Software use, like the desktop or webbrowsers.
> Any interest?
For the two reasons above a FreeGIS hack session at GLT
would overload my schedule. I would love to do one, though,
as hacking Thuban and GRASS development infrastructure is fun.
So maybe next time for me.
Hope to see you at GLT,
ps.: Mail-Followup-to set to freegis-list.
Professional Service around Free Software (intevation.net)
Experts for complex webmapping! In business since 1999:
Pay for FreeGIS if you like it: http://freegis.org/about-paying.en.html
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