[GRASS5] Re: more on color rules

Radim Blazek blazek at itc.it
Fri May 14 04:36:52 EDT 2004

On Friday 14 May 2004 01:31, Hamish wrote:
> to distill:
> So what you'd like in the 5.7 GUI is a pulldown list that would
> concatenate the dynamic color= options (grey.eq, random, etc) and the
> available rules= options (byr, etc, whatever filenames exist in the
> $GISBASE/etc/colors/ directory)

On Friday 14 May 2004 08:45, Michael Barton wrote:
> 1. change the rules=[file] so that it just looks for a color table file
> in any user-defined location, not $GISBASE/etc/colors. It should have a
> gisprompt: 'file,file,file' in the tcltk header for g.parser to read.
> This makes it a built-in version of the redirect command that Helena
> mentioned. I'd change the description from 'predefined rules file' to
> 'user-defined color table' or simply 'color table file'. There would be
> no need to find a way to read and parse a list for users to see. They
> could simple browse to a location where they wanted to store extra
> color tables and see what is there.

This is more general problem, I think: 'How to mix standard files
distributed in GRASS with custom files and how to share 
custom files effectively between users?'

I tried to do something for point symbols, but I am not sure if it is
the best solution. Just to recall: symbols (point icons) are stored in 
$GISBASE/etc/symbol or $MAPSET/symbol, fully qualified name may be
used to choose a symbol from other mapset (e.g. my/cross at user2 ),
if no symbol of given name is found in the mapsets, the version
from $GISBASE/etc/symbol is used.
Maybe some reserved name should be used as mapset for files in
$GISBASE/etc/symbol, e.g. basic/cross at GRASS, but that would 
affect too many other parts of GRASS.


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