[GRASS5] src/scripts compile error

Kirk R. Wythers kwythers at umn.edu
Tue May 18 11:59:13 EDT 2004

Still fighting with with compileing 53. Does anyone recognize this one?:

GRASS GIS source code compiled.

Compilation error in module: src/scripts (ignored)

* In case of errors please check following web page for hints:

* Install GRASS with (possibly as root)
     make install
cp -f error.log error.log.powerpc-apple-darwin7.3.0
truffula:~/grass5_dev/grass53_cvs_exp kirkw$ cd src/scripts/
truffula:~/grass5_dev/grass53_cvs_exp/src/scripts kirkw$  
   SRC     = /Users/kirkw/grass5_dev/grass53_cvs_exp/src
   CMD     = /Users/kirkw/grass5_dev/grass53_cvs_exp/src/CMD
   UNUSED  = /Users/kirkw/grass5_dev/grass53_cvs_exp/unused
   HEADER  = head.powerpc-apple-darwin7.3.0
   ARCH    = powerpc-apple-darwin7.3.0
   GISBASE =  
   VERSION = 5.3-cvs 2004
   make -f OBJ.powerpc-apple-darwin7.3.0/make.rules

rm -rf  
if [ ! -d  
scripts ]; then mkdir  
scripts; fi
cp shells/*.sh  
(cd shells/demo.scripts/ ; tar -cf - * | (cd  
scripts/demo.scripts ; tar -xf - 2>/dev/null ); true )
../../bin.powerpc-apple-darwin7.3.0/gmake53 contrib
   SRC     = /Users/kirkw/grass5_dev/grass53_cvs_exp/src
   CMD     = /Users/kirkw/grass5_dev/grass53_cvs_exp/src/CMD
   UNUSED  = /Users/kirkw/grass5_dev/grass53_cvs_exp/unused
   HEADER  = head.powerpc-apple-darwin7.3.0
   ARCH    = powerpc-apple-darwin7.3.0
   GISBASE =  
   VERSION = 5.3-cvs 2004
   make -f OBJ.powerpc-apple-darwin7.3.0/make.rules

../../bin.powerpc-apple-darwin7.3.0/gmake53 d.rast.leg
make[1]: ../../bin.powerpc-apple-darwin7.3.0/gmake53: Command not found
make[1]: *** [all] Error 127
make: *** [all] Error 2
truffula:~/grass5_dev/grass53_cvs_exp/src/scripts kirkw$

I don't the "Command not found" part. gmake53 is in /usr/local/bin

Kirk R. Wythers	                                    tel: 612.625.2261
Dept. of Forest Resources                fax: 612.625.5212
University of Minnesota     email: kwythers at umn.edu

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