[GRASS5] contradiction for v.overlay

Otto Dassau otto.dassau at gmx.de
Mon Nov 15 11:40:10 EST 2004


there is a contradiction between the manual and the g57 tutorial for v.overlay:

a) v.overlay -help:

         and : also known as 'intersection' in GIS
         or  : also known as 'union' in GIS (only for atype=area)

b) in the tutorial it says the opposite: 

Vector union (AND):
v.overlay ainput=polbnda_germany binput=clipmap output=clipmap_union operator=and -t

Vector intersection (OR):
v.overlay ainput=polbnda_germany binput=clipmap output=clipmap_intersection operator=or -t

I guess the manual is correct and the tutorial has to be changed. 


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