[GRASS5] 5.7: new 'fakestart' concept with demolocation

Radim Blazek blazek at itc.it
Tue Nov 30 04:14:43 EST 2004

Hamish wrote:
>>This 'demolocation' could be populated with data and then used for
>>some regression tests.
> suggestion for population- 
> we include an ASCII file with x,y,... point data. 
> v.in.ascii
> v.surf.?
> r.contour
> would create test point, vector lines, and raster maps from only a small
> file in the main tarball. maybe bug points from spearfish or something.

We could also generate random vector maps (v.random,v.delaunay)
convert them to raster, do the same analysis in raster and vector
and compare results.


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