[GRASS5] 5.7.1

Radim Blazek blazek at itc.it
Tue Nov 30 05:10:36 EST 2004

Hamish wrote:
> Hi,
> I was wondering if there was interest in releasing a 5.7.1 snapshot- for
> stability purposes taken from just before the freetype / i18n
> modifications were added in. Some folks (specifically Debian) only want
> a new packages a couple times a year and would much rather work from an
> "official" release. I think recent changes to 5.7-cvs need some time to
> settle before we have a new release. 5.7.0 is now 6 months old.
> Could this be done without too much work?
> cvs checkout -D ...?

We must make beta versions before any official release. There were
6 beta for 5.7.0 and it took about 1 month.

I would like to start 6.0.0 beta releases soon (in few weeks).
On my TODO < 6.0.0 is only:
- db_create_index for cat cols (simple)
- grant select to group and public (almost done)
- include -> include/grass (volunteer? tools/install-header?)
- map overwriting - grass variable also for rasters, default no
- WIND - WIND3 sync ?
- v.overlay - join tables
- v/r.random add cats
- optional fflush in vectlib (use only after Vect_write_line on level2)
- all vector modules (help me!):
     - check option and flag names (native speakers welcome)
     - check if table is copied
     - check multicats behaviour, especially more cats in the same layer
- options:
     - short description/prompt (for GUI)?
     - description for each item in options list of option
        (for manual and GUI)
- region lock ?

It is not necessary to have everything we want in 6.0.0.
We cannot change/remove modules/options/library/behaviour
during 6.x line but we can add new features.
For 6.0.0, it is more important to remove everything which
seems to be bad (but not the whole source) rather than
to add new features.

During the beta testing we can add new modules (hopefully v.db.select, 
v.db.alter, v.db.table?, db.in.ascii, d.mrast, v.join...) but we should 
not change any existing module/lib, I think.

Let me know about other things which must be done before 6.0.0.


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