[GRASS5] fonts and mice in GRASS 5.7

Michael Barton michael.barton at asu.edu
Fri Oct 15 13:33:00 EDT 2004


I'm forwarding  your comments to the GRASS developer's list. This, the GRASS
discussion list, and the GRASS bug report (accessed via the web site) are
the best places to bring up issues like this. I agree with you about the
heaviness of the modules. However, I've been so happy to have these modules
automatically generated and very functional I've not been concerned about it
so far. However, overall GRASS 5.7 is so functional and stable now that it
is becoming easier to look more closely at the finer points of the user
interface.  With regard to NVIZ, I've had a problem of it going off the
bottom of my screen without a vertical scroll bar. Although it is a much
better 2.5 D interface and rendering module than the competitors I've seen
(e.g., ArcGIS 3D analyst). That said, there are several updates I've heard
are in the works and that I hope will make it to the CVS soon--including
display of true 3D volumes. I'd also like to see the scale function working.

It is indeed odd if the mouse scroll wheel works in the bottom pane of the
tcltk dialogs but not the top part.

Michael Barton

On 10/15/04 3:24 AM, "Maciek Sieczka" <werchowyna at pf.pl> wrote:

>>> How do I change font in the 5.7 tcltkgrass modules?
>> The simple answer is that the module font is not changeable by the user.
>> These modules are automatically generated from each command and the font
>> used is determined in the command parser code. This IS changeable, of
>> course, but I don't know how to do it offhand and it isn't something that
>> folks can change normally.
> I'm asking because the module window with a default font looks "heavy". In
> general, the new module windows occupy more space than the old ones. They
> could be lighter and thus more comfortable, eg. thinner slide bar, less
> empty spaces between the input option lines, less space between the buttons
> in the bootom, smaller buttons, less decoratives, etc. It would be nice if
> you could do something about it.
> It also refers to the nviz menu where a vast amount of the space on it's
> menus is wasted. And why the decorative 3d border around the nviz window? If
> it matters - I'm talking about the nviz in 5.3 because I haven't got it run
> in my 5.7 since the precompiled nviz wouldn't work on my Linux and I haven't
> tried to build 5.7 on my own yet.
> I don't know who maintains the nviz and I cannot find it out form the
> documentation. Could you please forward these remarks to the right person?
> BTW, there was a great thing like pause/break and busy indicator in the 5.3
> module menus. Implementable in 5.7? So far in oredr to stop you have to
> close
> the module window and the re-open it which can be annoying.
>>> Why doesn't the mouse
>>> wheel work in the upper part of the module's window?
>> I don't know. I assume it is part of how an input device interacts with
>> tcltk.
> In the bottom part of the window (the message output area) the wheel works.
> Do these two window areas differ so much that the wheel functionality cannot
> be applied to both of them? That would save much mouse aiming and clicking.
> Maciek

Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
School of Human Diversity and Social Change
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ  85287-2402

voice: 480-965-6262; fax: 480-965-7671
www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton

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