[GRASS5] 5.7 - GIS manager - zoom and pan - change term to execute in d.m.tcl

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 20 10:06:26 EDT 2004

[Debian/testing: Zoom, Pan, digit, and query buttons don't work in d.m]

> > > See if this fixes the problem. If so, I can easily make a generic
> > > change to all the buttons as they all use this format.
> > 
> > No, this doesn't make a difference for me...
> > 
> > When I try to launch 'xterm -e d.zoom' from the GRASS command line,
> > I have the same problem. When I launch xterm from the GRASS command
> > line I get an xterm, but when I enter d.zoom in there, I get:
> > 
> > d.zoom: error while loading shared libraries: libgrass_display.so:
> > cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> This usually occurs because xterm is setuid/setgid. For security
> reasons, the loader unsets certain environment variables (e.g. 
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH) when running setuid/setgid programs.
> You need to add the full path for $GISBASE/lib to /etc/ld.so.conf then
> run ldconfig. This will allow the GRASS shared libraries to be found
> when LD_LIBRARY_PATH is unset.

[that fixes it but isn't a real solution]


$ ls -l `which xterm`
-rwxr-sr-x  1 root utmp 259896 Sep 29 00:10 /usr/bin/X11/xterm*

'adduser $USER utmp' doesn't help. didn't try as root.

from the command line:
xterm -e "ls $LD_LIBRARY_PATH/libgrass_gis* ; g.version ; read"

pops up a window with this output:
g.version: error while loading shared libraries: libgrass_gis.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

so $LD_LIBRARY_PATH survives, ???

$PATH must survive, otherwise it wouldn't have found the
$GISBASE/bin/g.version which called libgrass_gis.so ...

If it were ignoring $LD_LIBRARY_PATH I'd think it would ignore $PATH
as well?

anyone remember if there was a Debconf question about this lately?


some possible temporary fixes for display/d.m/d.m.tcl:

d.zoom      changing 'term' to 'run' seems to work (text->console)
d.zoom -p   changing 'term' to 'run' seems to work (text->console)
   'term' would need:  set cmd "d.zoom"; set args "-p"; term $cmd $args ??

query       ? don't know how to fix

r.digit:    changing 'term' to 'run' seems to work (text->console)
             comment out $sel with a # (or remove)
             [no base map needed; best to open g.mapsets like menu
              for vector / raster digitizing if nothing selected??]


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