[GRASS5] Solaris9 test of 5.4

Glynn Clements glynn at gclements.plus.com
Thu Oct 21 22:24:01 EDT 2004

Wallace, Beverly T wrote:

> I tested the 5.4 release candidate with Solaris9 and gcc 3.3.
> Configure ran OK.  I had a few problems with the compilation.
> 1)  I needed to change -lncurses to -lcurses in vars.mk.

My guess is that your curses.h corresponds to the latter.

The configure script checks for -lncurses first, and only checks for
-lcurses if that fails. However, it assumes that the header is called
curses.h (as does the code which uses it), and that the header
corresponds to whichever library it finds.

The only robust solution to the curses issue is to provide configure
switches which allow the user to explicitly specify the compiler and
linker switches which are to be used by code which requires curses. 
Any autodetection mechanism will fail in some cases.

> 2) Some programs still failed with messages about "initscr32". I added
> $(CURSES) to the makefile of d.measure and it fixed it. Presumably
> that is what the makefiles for these programs need:

This is because libgrass_I requires libgrass_vask, and libgrass_vask
requires curses. Ideally, $(IMAGERYLIB) should include $(VASKLIB), and
$(VASKLIB) should include $(CURSES), rather than the dependency going
into individual Gmakefiles.

In any case, d.measure doesn't actually use libgrass_I; the presence
of $(IMAGERYLIB) in the Gmakefile is gratuitous (as is $(GMATHLIB)).

The problems with the others are probably due to curses.

> 3) In r3.showdspf.openGL, new_init_graphics.c needs config.h and the
> same GLwMDrawA.h includes as main_ogl.c.


Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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