[GRASS5] GRASS-News vol. 2

Martin Wegmann mailinglist2_wegmann at web.de
Tue Sep 21 10:59:32 EDT 2004

Dear GRASS user, 

the second volume of GRASS-News should be published in the middle of November.  
Please submit articles until beginning of november. Have a look at 
http://grass.itc.it/newsletter for more details and use the submission system 
for submitting articles. 

Additionally to the already listed categories, did Paolo Cavallini propose a 
"GRASS in real-life" section. Feel free to present what you do with GRASS in 
your every day work.

Looking forward to articles covering modelling, animation, analysis with 

regards, Martin

P.S.: please forward this mail to national GRASS mailinglists and other GIS/RS 
ML. Thanks. 

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