[GRASS5] 5.7 - GIS manager - zoom and pan - change term to execute in d.m.tcl

Michael Barton michael.barton at asu.edu
Wed Sep 22 18:10:57 EDT 2004


Look in $GISBASE/etc/d.m/d.m.tcl for the following lines

# zoom
proc Dm::zoom { } {
    set cmd "d.zoom"
    term $cmd


# pan
proc Dm::pan { } {
    set cmd "d.zoom -p"
    term $cmd 


***** Try writing them as ...

# zoom
proc Dm::zoom { } {
    term d.zoom


# pan
proc Dm::pan { } {
    term d.zoom -p 


See if this fixes the problem. If so, I can easily make a generic change to
all the buttons as they all use this format.


On 9/22/04 2:46 PM, "Glynn Clements" <glynn.clements at virgin.net> wrote:

> Moritz Lennert wrote:
>>> In order to make zoom and pan work for me from the GIS manager, I had to
>>> change lines 419 and 427 of d.m.tcl to use the "execute" function instead
>>> of the "term" function. With the latter, I just get an additional xterm
>>> that flashes up very briefly and then closes without anything happening.
>>> This is with yesterday's CVS version of 5.7 and 5.3 on Debian
>>> testing/unstable.
>> Replying to myself: the same is true for the query functions, d.what.vect
>> and d.what.rast for which I had to change the call from
>> "term" to "run" respectively in vector.tcl and raster.tcl.
> Note that the term and run procedures expect any command-line
> arguments to be passed as additional arguments, e.g.:
> term d.zoom -p
> Using:
> term "d.zoom -p"
> won't work.
> Similarly, the execute procedure requires a command with no arguments,
> as it always passes the --ui switch.

Michael Barton, Professor & Curator
School of Human Diversity and Social Change
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ  85287-2402

voice: 480-965-6262; fax: 480-965-7671
www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton

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