QGIS as 'official' GRASS viewer (was Re: [GRASS5] d.legend and d.out.png)

Radim Blazek blazek at itc.it
Thu Sep 23 10:36:35 EDT 2004

On Thursday 23 September 2004 15:58, Moritz Lennert wrote:
> So there is a free windows version of Qt ? I thought the free versions
> were only for Unix, Linux and MacOSX ?

No, but they only have to find somebody who has commercial Qt license
and compiles QGIS for Windows.

> > GRASS libs are unfortunately under pure GPL, so GRASS provider+plugin
> > for QGIS cannot be distributed in binary form for Windows.
> Why not ? Is it because QGIS on windows is not GPL ? (Sorry I am a bit
> ignorant in these issues ?)

Because GRASS is GPL and Qt on Windows is not GPL. GRASS does not have
the exception that it can be linked with non GPL library.


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