[GRASS5] Re: [GRASSLIST:3079] bug fixes for tcltkgrass for GRASS 5.3

Michael Barton michael.barton at asu.edu
Mon Sep 27 19:53:25 EDT 2004


Thanks for your input. Based on this, I've committed a number of improvement
or fixes to the CVS as of today. See below

On 9/24/04 11:00 AM, "Maciek Sieczka" <werchowyna at pf.pl> wrote:

> Hello Michael!
> Here are few things which need a correction in the tcltkgrass for 5.3:
> 1. s.surf.rst - an entry for "segmax" is missing.

Added. Also added entries for anisotrophy

> 2. After choosing GIS->Map type conversions->Sites to vector I'm getting:
> couldn't execute "s.to.vect -p": no such file or directory

Fixed. Added option to enter or not enter metadata on new vector points
created. To do this, s.to.vect now opens in an xterm where you can enter
metadata if the -p flag is not checked.

> 2. I'm not sure if "r.surf.contour" should be described as "Regularized
> spline tension from raster contours".

Renamed in menus to interpolation from raster contours

> IMO it uses a much different algorithm than s.surf.rst or v.surf.rst. The
> only raster module utilizing regularized spline with tension is r.resamp.rst
> (it'd be nice to have it in the tcltkgrass by the way).
> 3. There is no entry for v.surf.rst in the vector menu - only in the raster
> menu.

Added module (already written by someone else) for v.surf.rst. Note that a
couple of options (anisotrophy and another) are left out because the module
is already as large as my screen and may not show up completely on lower
resolution screens. I don't know why there is not an option for a vertical
scroll-bar in the 5.3 menu module builder, but the modules are limited
(practically) to the vertical screen resolution.

> 4. Actually both r.surf.idw and r.surf.idw2 are suitable for non-lat/lon
> locations so your information on their menu entries is missleading. The
> difference is that only r.surf.idw is suitable for lat-lon as well. Besides,
> r.surf.idw usually outperforms the *idw2 according to the manual and to my
> experience. BTW - what is the r.surf.idw2 for anyway when it is slower, less
> universal and gives identical results. Strange... Ask Grass developers?

Renamed menus, leaving off reference to lat-long and calling idw2 'alternate
method'. I don't know what the difference is either.

> 5. Additionally I think it would be very usefull if besides the descriptions
> for each menu entry a command name which it refers to could be displayed as
> well. It would assist those who already know the command-name of the
> function they are looking for in finding it and it wouldn't do any harm to
> those who work only the tcltk menu. By now I have to guess whether the
> module I'm looking for is what you describe in some words (although your
> desriptions are pretty intuitive I admit). Before I got used to your menu it
> had been happening quite often that I had clicked two or three different
> entries before I got to the one I had been looking for. It's annoying you
> know. And it still happens sometimes.
> I think there could be some small window on the side of the main tcltkgrass
> menu where the currently highlited entry's command name would be displayed.

As I explained in my earlier message to you (but not to the list), this
would be nice but isn't possible without someone with greater tcltk
expertise than me making bubble help available in the menu hierarchy below
the top level.

> What do you think of it?
> Cheers
> Maciek Sieczka

Thanks again for your input.

Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
School of Human Diversity and Social Change
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ  85287-2402

voice: 480-965-6262; fax: 480-965-7671
www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton

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