[GRASS5] Re: r.in.gdal - precision problem in lib/gis/adj_cellhd.c

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 7 00:25:38 EDT 2005

> Hacking lib/gis/adj_cellhd.c to permit the import, 
> I get the following cell header:
> grassdata/latlong/PERMANENT/cellhd/srtm90_gtopo30
> proj:       3
> zone:       0
> north:      90:00:00.000001N
> south:      39:59:59.990613N
> east:       20:00:00.007509E
> west:       20:00:00.000001W
> cols:       4800
> rows:       6000
> e-w resol:  0:00:30.000002
> n-s resol:  0:00:30.000002
> format:     -1
> compressed: 2
> Probably it's a GRASS/GDAL issue with LatLong data?
> Fixing the cell header files manually solved the
> problem but isn't very elegant.
> Any hints are welcome

It's not trying to add half the cell to the top row of the TIFF, thus
going beyond 90d 0' 15"?

I thought SRTM only made it to 60 deg lat anyway? Space Shuttle is not
polar orbiting.

I have noticed in the past that v.out.ogr to a shapefile does similar
strange off-by 1e-9 type errors to double precision columns in the


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